Project description:
The signage project of the ADN Educational Center (Murcia) starts from the need to facilitate families, teachers and students spatial orientation within the school. The school has a very diverse educational community regarding language, culture and abilities, so two teachers with different profiles considered it necessary to establish a set of common codes of signaling of the different spaces that would allow all the staff to feel oriented and safe.
The center’s signage project tries to spatially organize the center, providing it with visual keys that are accessible to the entire educational community in order to achieve:
- Establish a common visual code.
- Improve the autonomy of students.
- Assist in the orientation of families during their visits to the center.
To develop the project it was necessary to manage the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication ARASAAC, whose pictograms have been used for the signaling of the different spaces of the center.
In a first phase, the “open classroom”, the dining room, the school garden and all the exterior elements of the center (fire extinguishers, emergency exits, bins, patios …). Then the entrance of all the rooms (classrooms, auditorium, toilets, dining room, library …), in this third and last phase two classrooms have been signposted, one for children and one for primary to continue with the rest of the classrooms.