AsTeRICS Grid Dynamic Communicator

12 – Actions – Web radio action

Web Radio Action allows you to search for and play web radio stations. The station search capabilities work with the de API.

When this action is added and edited, the following menu appears.

We recommend that you start by first selecting the radio stations that you want to incorporate into your grid. To do this, scroll to the bottom and select the Manage web radio list tab. When this tab is activated, a submenu appears.

In the Search term field we have typed the radio station we are looking for and, as we can see, a list appears at the bottom where we can find that radio station.

Click on the Select+ button to assign the radio station to our seledcted radio stations. As we search for stations and select them, we create our own list of radio stations that we can manage.

There is also the option to create the stations list first and when we have selected the ones we are interested in, we can click on the Create grid elements for webradios button. This option adds directly all the cells of our list to the grid, assigning a cell for each of them.

To make it easier for the user to manage the different radios on the grid, the first option is the Web Radio Action.

If we expand this tab, we find different options that we can assign to the cell that we are going to use in our radio grid and that are used as control functions:

  • Turn radio on: turns on the radio with the selected channel in WebRadio to play.
  • Turn radio on/off: Toggles the on/off state of the radio with the selected channel inWebRadio.
  • Turn radio off: turn off the radio.
  • Next radio channel: switches to the next radio channel in the list of selected radio stations.
  • Previous radio channel: switches to the previous radio channel in the list of selected radio stations.
  • Radio volume up: increases the volume of the radio.
  • Radio volume down: decreases the volume of the radio.

In our example grid, we have assigned the cells of actions boxed in red.

In this way, we already have the cells with the selected radio stations and the keys that perform the control functions.

All that remains is to return to visualization mode and listen to your favorite radio station.