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Our thanks to the entire Comunicar-nos team for sharing all the materials and resources that have allowed us to make this compilation.
Metalinguistic skills
Metalinguistic skills are understood as the ability to reflect on the language to get to analyze its components and structures, which is necessary to make the alphabetic system productive.
The development of these skills can be addressed during the acquisition of the oral level of the language or in parallel with the teaching of reading and writing.
They are concretized in three levels: lexical or word consciousness, syllabic and phonological.
Word awareness is fundamental to start the process of acquiring reading and writing. Thanks to it it is possible to concentrate on isolated words, regardless of what they represent, attend to their form by recognizing them visually and decoding them.
Syllabic consciousness is oriented to distinguish the voice strokes that can be observed in a word. They are the indispensable link to reach the isolation of the phonemes.
Communicate Program 2020-21 – Oral language, the foundation of literacy.